Gueye Profiled in SenePlus
Dr. Marame Gueye portrait was profiled in “Maram Gueye, Une Féministe Chercheuse En Amérique” [Maram Gueye, A Feminist Researcher In America] in SenePlus, a Senegalese media outlet.
The article cites Gueye as “une grande fédératrice de la solidarité féminine à travers des groupes réels ou virtuels qu’elle a créés et qu’elle administre” [a great unifier of female solidarity through real or virtual groups that she has created.]
On the occasion of the 16 days of activism denouncing violence against women, and leading to the International Day of Human Rights (Dec. 10), UN Women sponsored a series that profiles the most vocal Senegalese feminists in the online newspaper, Seneplus. This year’s theme retained by UN Women is “UNITE! Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls.”