Montgomery Authors Chapter in Materializing the East in Early Modern English Drama

Dr. Marianne Montgomery’s chapter “Fat Falstaffs and Sullied Flesh in Dryden’s Amboyna,” which explores allusions to Shakespeare in the notorious torture scene in John Dryden’s Restoration tragedy, was just published in Materializing the East in Early Modern English Drama, edited by Murat Ögütcü and Aisha Hussain (Arden Bloomsbury, 2023). Part of the Arden Studies in Early Modern Drama series, Materializing the East re-examines the (mis)representation of the East on the early modern English outdoor and indoor stage and broadens our understanding of early modern theatrical productions beyond Shakespeare and the European continent. Chapters uncover how conflicting representations of the East were communicated on stage through the material aspects of stage architecture, costumes and performance effects.