Johnson and Tabari Publish Two Articles

Dr. Mark Johnson, in collaboration with Mahmoud Abdi Tabari at the University of Nevada, Reno, has recently published two journal articles. The first, “Planning in L2 Writing: A Research Synthesis and Meta-analysis,” currently appears as an advance online publication in System. The study examines the substantive features of second language writing studies of planning and its effect on the complexity, accuracy, and fluency of second language written production and provides a quantitative comparison of the results of those studies.

In addition, Johnson and Tabari have recently published a paper with Mahsa Farahanynia at Allameh Tabataba’i (University in Tehran). The article “Automated Analysis of Cohesive Features in L2 Writing: Examining Effects of Task Complexity and Task Repetition,” appears in Assessing Writing. The study examines the effect of task complexity features on second language writers’ use of cohesive devices at two different time points.