Singletary, Gagné, and Morse Present at UA Conference

PhD students, Zac Singletary (fourth year) and Gagne’ (second year), and Director of Writing Foundations, Tracy Ann Morse, presented last week at the Conference on Writing and Well-Being at the University of Arizona. Tracy Morse writes: “Our panel presentation, “How to be a Bad GTA: Boundary Setting and Support in a Writing Program,” was inspired by Courtney Adams Wooten’s chapter “How to be a Bad WPA” (in The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing and Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program Administration). As a WPA, former GradWPA, and GTA, we explored how writing programs can build and sustain structures of support that help GTAs learn how to, and become okay with, setting necessary boundaries as they develop as writing instructors within a writing program community.”