Blackmon Wins CPTSC Graduate Student Research Award

Codi Renee Blackmon is one of the winners of the second annual CPTSC Graduate Student Research Award. The committee selected three winners from an excellent pool of applications. Codi Renee’s project, “Implementing A Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Institute on Race and Ethnicity,” was awarded $250.

Codi Renee has also recently been published in Programmatic Perspectives, a peer-reviewed journal by the Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). In “On Developing a TPC Program Graduate Orientation,” Codi Renee uses survey data to inform technical and professional communication (TPC) programs about the perspectives of currently enrolled graduate students and alums regarding the key components necessary for a successful orientation program, which can then be used by TPC program faculty and administrators to improve their orientation program and better support their students.