Cory Writes Article in Comparative American Studies

Dr. Jessica Cory (M.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing 2012 graduate) published “‘We are of One Ecology’: How Indigenous Pacific Islander Poetics Map Anthropogenic Climate Change” in Comparative American Studies: An International Journal.

In the article, Cory writes, “By focusing on the interpersonal, generational and land-and-sea-based relationalities in these poems, readers can better grasp the complex Indigenous Pacific Islander kinship networks that sustain and nourish hope in the face of such dire environmental and cultural threats. While readers will likely expect these poems to have roots in climate activism and to critique climate change’s imperialistic and militaristic underpinnings, and many of them do, some readers may be surprised by the trust these poets have in the lands and waters themselves as well as those beings who inhabit these shared spaces.”