Lonelodge Publishes New Article
Sarah Lonelodge's article "A Social Justice Facade: The Church of Scientology as a Pseudo-Countercultural Movement" and was recently published in the Lamar Journal of the Humanities. It centers on an...
Sarah Lonelodge's article "A Social Justice Facade: The Church of Scientology as a Pseudo-Countercultural Movement" and was recently published in the Lamar Journal of the Humanities. It centers on an...
Dr. Kirstin Squint's collection, Conversations with LeAnne Howe, has come out from the University Press of Mississippi, as a part of its Literary Conversations series. Per the book’s blurb, “It...
Christy Hallberg was featured on the current episode of Writer's Bone Podcast where she discussed her novel, Searching for Jimmy Page. Recent guests have been Jodi Picoult and Louise Erdrich,...
Dr. Kirstin Squint presented her paper “Narrative Reliability and ‘the Mooney book’ in Riding the Trail of Tears” as a participant on the virtual roundtable “Indigenous Literary Pedagogies: How and...
English and History double major Rebekah Burroughs’ internship at the Country Doctor Museum was featured in a recent Harriot College news story. As part of the internship, she created exhibits...
Dr. Anna Froula published the essay “Homeland Insecurities: The Walking Dead and the Purgatory of Captivity on the Post-Apocalyptic Frontier” in Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural. In...
John Hoppenthaler published three new poems in Live Encounters. The works are entitled "First Light," "Hummingbirds and Eagles," and "AFTER ROBERT MOTHERWELL'S Two Figures." Live Encounters is a not-for-profit free...
Eddie Moore successfully defended his dissertation in English and Comparative Literature at UNC Chapel Hill. The project, “Black Queer Homelessness and Horror in the Novels of Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin,...
Dr. Helena Feder guest-edited the special issue of Women Studies on environmental studies and ecosocial justice for its 50th anniversary volume, entitled "What Matters Most." Women’s Studies provides a forum for...
Christy Hallberg just had an excerpt from her novel Searching for Jimmy Page published in The Coil magazine. The Coil is a daily literary magazine that features essays, book reviews,...