Froula’s Essay Featured in Jump Cut
Dr. Anna Froula’s essay “’Alpha Male, Veteran Journalist’: Rob Riggle’s Traumatic Embodiment and Satiric Authenticity was just published in Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media. Rob Riggle is a...
Dr. Anna Froula’s essay “’Alpha Male, Veteran Journalist’: Rob Riggle’s Traumatic Embodiment and Satiric Authenticity was just published in Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media. Rob Riggle is a...
Dr. Liza Wieland’s latest novel, Paris, 7 a.m., was selected by Oprah Winfrey as One of the Best Books by Women of Summer 2019. Wieland teaches Creative Writing and serves...
Dr. Amanda Klein gave a talk as part of the Fright-Fest Film Series at the Kinston-Lenoir County Public Library. Klein introduced Psycho and Poltergeist, which the library will screen this month. Klein’s...
Ph.D. Alumna Cecilia Shelton published the article “Shifting Out of Neutral: Centering Difference, Bias, and Social Justice in a Business Writing Course,” in Technical Communication Quarterly. Shelton is an Assistant...
Creative Writing Professor John Hoppenthaler received a Harriot College of Arts and Sciences travel grant. Hoppenthaler will use his grant towards the costs of his travel in November to the...
Ph.D. Alumna Gina Kruschek published the article, “Stigma in the Comments Section: Feminist and Anti-Feminist Discussions Online,” was published in Computers and Composition. Kruschek is a Marion L. Brittain Postdoctoral...
Dr. Jim Kirkland is featured in a news story on the ECU homepage for his fifty years of service on the ECU faculty. “Teaching has always been the great joy...
Congratulations to ECU MA Creative Writing alumna June Sylvester Saraceno, whose first novel, Feral, North Carolina 1965 is coming out this month. Originally from Elizabeth City, North Carolina, Sylvester Saraceno...
Dr. Reggie Watson’s article “The Changing Face of Biraciality: The White/Jewish Mother as Tragic Mulatto Figure in James McBride’s The Color of Water and Danzy Senna’s Caucasia” was recently reprinted...
Creative Writing Professor John Hoppenthaler was featured in multiple media outlets reflecting on the passing of literary great Toni Morrison. Hoppenthaler served as Toni Morrison’s personal assistant for about a...