Bernard Authors New Story in Bellingham Review
Rebecca Bernard, who will join the ECU English department this fall, has a new story, "Hotel Room," out in Bellingham Review. Bernard’s debut collection of stories, Our Sister Who Will...
Rebecca Bernard, who will join the ECU English department this fall, has a new story, "Hotel Room," out in Bellingham Review. Bernard’s debut collection of stories, Our Sister Who Will...
Dr. Andrea Kitta has just published "'You may now become who you thought was disposable:' COVID-19 politics and ableism" in the Journal of American Folklore. "This essay critically examines the...
Dr. Jessica Cory, ECU English MA/Creative Writing alumna, has just been appointed editor of Appalachian Journal. Founded in 1972, Appalachian Journal: A Regional Studies Review is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed quarterly...
John Hoppenthaler recently read in the popular New York City Poetry Series at the Reading Room in Bryant Park. With a storied history in the park, the Reading Room provides...
Dr. Marame Gueye won a competitive Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award for the next academic year. She will teach and research at the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar in Senegal....
Dr. Kirstin Squint served as an honors examiner at Swarthmore College for Dr. Peter Schmidt’s English Studies 116/Black Studies 116: Rethinking Southern Studies Honors Seminar. Swarthmore’s Honors Program was created...
John Hoppenthaler enjoyed a recent residency fellowship at the Wofford College Goodall Center for Environmental Studies. While there, he gave a reading for Wofford students and wrote poems based on...
Dr. Thomas Herron, Doug Barnum (ITCS), Laurie Godwin (ITCS), and colleagues from outside ECU have completed their prototype teaching modules for the Castle to Classrooms project. Made possible by a...
Dr. Anna Froula recently conducted two interviews promoting her fall class — ENGL 1500 Taylor's Version. WITN Interview WNCT Interview The class' description states, "Using Taylor Swift’s career as a...
Amber Flora Thomas's essay, "Killing the Rabbit," was published in Orion Magazine. In the piece, Flora Thomas writes, "Over the decades, as though possessed, I continued to write poems about...