Wendy Sharer

Wendy Sharer joined the faculty in 2001 and specializes in Rhetoric and Composition, with a focus on feminist rhetorics, the history of rhetoric, and writing program administration. She is currently the President of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition (CFSHRC). She has previously held the positions of Director of ECU’s Quality Enhancement Plan, “Write Where You Belong” and Director of Writing Foundations in the Department of English. Additionally, she has served as President of the Carolinas Writing Program Administrators, as a member of Executive Committees of the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) and as the Associate Editor for Peitho (the peer-reviewed journal of the CFSHRC). Her current research projects include studies of the “Answer Song” as feminist rhetorical remix in the history of popular music and a study of writing instruction in the camps of the Civilian Conservation Corps during the 1930s.
- B.A. Hamilton College
- M.A. Syracuse University
- Ph.D. Pennsylvania State University
Research Interests
- Composition Theory and Pedagogy
- History of Rhetoric and Composition
- Activist Rhetorics
Courses Taught
- ENGL 8615: Seminar in Rhetorical Theory
- ENGL 7665: Special Topics in Rhetoric and Composition
- ENGL 7630: Cultural Rhetoric and Writing
- ENGL 7620: History and Theory of Rhetoric II
- ENGL 7615: History and Theory of Rhetoric I
- ENGL 6625: Teaching Composition, Theory and Practice
- ENGL 6630: Studies in the Process of Composition
- ENGL 3835: Persuasive Writing
- ENGL 3810: Advanced Composition
- ENGL 2830: Writing and Style
- ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
Selected Publications and Presentations
- “The Affiliate as Mentoring Network: The Lasting Work of the Carolinas WPA.” Co-written with Marsha Lee Baker, Meg Morgan, and Tracy Ann Morse. WPA: Writing Program Administration (Spring 2021).
- “Valuing Editorial Collaboration as Scholarship: A Survey of Tenure and Promotion Documents.” Co-written with Michelle Eble, Tracy Ann Morse, and Will Banks. College English 81.4 (March 2019): 339-366.
- “Opening the Scholarly Conversation.” Eds. Jessica Enoch and Jordynn Jack Retellings: Opportunities for Feminist Research in Rhetoric and Composition Studies. Parlor P, 2019. 183-202.
- Reclaiming Accountability: Using the Work of Re/Accreditation and Large-Scale Assessment to Improve Writing Instruction and Writing Programs (Utah State UP, 2016), co-edited with Will Banks, Michelle Eble, and Tracy Morse.
- Working in the Archives: Practical Research Methods for Rhetoric and Composition (Southern Illinois UP 2009), co-edited with Alexis Ramsey, Barbara L’Eplattenier, and Lisa Mastrangelo.
- 1977: A Cultural Moment in Composition (Parlor, 2008), co-written with Brent Henze and Jack Selzer.
- Vote and Voice: Women’s Organizations and Political Literacy, 1915-1930 (Southern Illinois UP, 2004).