Anna Froula

Anna Froula’s research interests span war cultures, gender studies, militarism, and zombie culture. She is co-editor of Reframing 9/11: Film, Popular Culture and the “War on Terror” (Bloomsbury, 2010), It’s a Mad World: The Cinema of Terry Gilliam (Columbia UP/Wallflower, 2013), and American Militarism on the Small Screen (Routledge, 2016) and has published widely on gender and representations of US warfare. Froula is the faculty sponsor for the ECU Pirate Veterans Organization and from 2013-2018 served as Associate Editor for Cinema Journal, the journal of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies.
- B.A. Birmingham-Southern College
- M.A. University of Kentucky
- Ph.D. University of Kentucky
Research Interests
- Film studies
- American war studies
- Gender studies
- Zombie studies
Courses Taught
- FILM 5350: Special Studies in Film
- FILM 4985: Film Studies Capstone
- FILM 4980: Topics in Film Aesthetics
- FILM 4920: Contemporary International and American Cinema
- FILM 4910: War Cinema, Satire in Cinema
- FILM 3920: Film Theory and Criticism
- FILM 3901: History of Film II
- FILM 3900: History of Film
- ENGL 3300: Women and Literature
- FILM 2900: Introduction to Film Studies
- ENGL 2000: Interpreting Literature
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
Selected Publications and Presentations
- “‘Alpha Male, Veteran Journalist’: Rob Riggle’s Traumatic Embodiment and Satiric Authenticity.” JumpCut: A Review of Contemporary Media. (forthcoming).
- “9/11, Gender, and Wars without End.” The Routledge Handbook of Gender, War and the US Military. Ed. Kara Dixon Vuic. New York and London: Routledge, 2017. 149-164
- “What Keeps Me Up at Night: Media Studies Fifteen Years After 9/11.” Cinema Journal 56.1 (2016): 111-118.
- “‘Conspiracy of Silence’: The Containment of Military Women in World War II Newsreels and Short Films.” Wiley-Blackwell Companion to the War Film. Ed. Douglas A. Cunningham. London and New York: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016, 106-128.
- “Recasting The Best Years Of Our Lives: Gender, Revision, and Military Women in the Veteran’s Homecoming Film.” Future Texts. Eds. Virginia Kuhn and Vicki Callahan. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2016, 110-125.
- “Steampunk: The Aesthetic of Terry Gilliam in Jabberwocky and Beyond.” In the Cinema of Terry Gilliam. 2013. 13-61.
“‘9/11–What’s That?’: Trauma, Temporality, and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles” Cinema Journal. 51.1. (2011): 174-79. - “Prolepsis and the ‘War on Terror’: Zombie Pathology and the Culture of Fear in 28 Days Later…” In Reframing 9/11: Film, Popular Culture, and the “War on Terror.”
- “Free a Man to Fight: The Figure of the Female Soldier in World War II Popular Culture.” Journal of War and Culture Studies. 2.2 (2009): 153-65.