Margaret Bauer

Margaret D. Bauer is the Rives Chair of Southern Literature in the Department of English, a Distinguished Professor of Harriot College of Arts and Science, and the editor of the North Carolina Literary Review. Dr. Bauer was named one of the ten ECU Women of Distinction in 2007, and that same year received the Parnassus Award for Significant Editorial Achievement from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals. Her other ECU honors include the Scholar-Teacher Award in 2004, the Five-Year Achievement Award for Excellence in Research and Creativity Activity in 2008, the Centennial Award for Excellence in Leadership in 2012, and the Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activity in 2014. She is also a past President of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association. In 2017, she received the North Carolina Award for Literature from Governor Roy Cooper. In 2017, she received the North Carolina Award for Literature from Governor Roy Cooper and the R. Hunt Parker Memorial Award from the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association for her significant contributions to North Carolina Literature. In 2018, the North Carolina Humanities Council presented her with their highest award, the John Tyler Caldwell Award for the Humanities.
- B.A. Louisiana State University
- M.A. University of Southwestern Louisiana
- Ph.D. University of Tennessee
Research Interests
- Southern Literature
- American Literature
- Women’s Literature
Courses Taught
- ENGL 7265: 20th Century American Literature Seminar
- ENGL 5330: Studies in Women’s Literature
- ENGL 5230: Southern Regional Literature
- ENGL 5150: Studies in the Novel
- ENGL 4890 and 4891: Practicum, Careers in Writing
- ENGL 4230: North Carolina Literature
- ENGL 3300: Women and Literature
- ENGL 3260: Black Literature in America
- ENGL 3230: now 2230: Southern Literature
- ENGL 3010: British and American Literary History II
- ENGL 2200: Major American Writers
- ENGL 2000: Interpreting Literature
- ENGL 1200: Composition
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
- ENGL 1000: Appreciating Literature
- HNRS 2011: 1898 Wilmington Coup d’etat in “Fact” and Fiction
Selected Publications and Presentations
- A Study of Scarletts: Scarlett O’Hara and Her Literary Daughters (University of South Carolina Press, 2014)
- Listen to Dr. Bauer discuss this book on North Carolina Bookwatch.
- Paul Green’s The House of Connelly: A Critical Edition (MCFarland, 2014)
- Understanding Tim Gautreaux (University of South Carolina Press, 2010)
- William Faulkner’s Legacy: “what shadow, what stain, what mark” (University Press of Florida, 2005)
- The Fiction of Ellen Gilchrist (University Press of Florida, 1999)
- “An Interview with Tim Gautreaux”
- North Carolina Literary Review
- An interview with Margaret Bauer, NCLR Editor, on the occasion of the 25th issue publication