Marc Petersen

Marc Petersen, when not teaching, likes looking into the semiotic overlap of works across multiple media (such as adaptions for comics, film, video games), adding new bird species to his life list, and finding new ways to get the squirrels out of his garden.
- B.S. Virginia Tech – Forestry & Wildlife, double major in English
- M.A. Virginia Tech – English Literature
- M.F.A. University of Alabama – Creative Writing
Research Interests
- Comics and Sequential Art
- Hypertext/Hypertheory
- Media Studies (Film, Television, Video Games)
- Teaching with Emerging Technologies
Courses Taught
- ENGL 3840: Introduction to Poetry Writing
- ENGL 2815: Introduction to Creative Writing
- ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines: Multidisciplinary
- ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines: Natural Sciences
- ENGL 2100: Major British Writers
- ENGL 2000: Interpreting Literature
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
- ENGL 1000: Appreciating Literature
Selected Publications and Presentations
- “Ghosts of Texas: The Duke, the Vampire, and the Saint of Killers in Preacher.” (with Jim Casey) Undead in the West II: They Just Keep Coming. Eds. Cynthia Miller and A. Bowdoin Van Riper. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013.
- “‘You Would Do It for Randolph Scott!’: Bud Boetticher’s Hero as Totem in Grillo-Marxuax’s The Middleman (both comic and TV series)” Presented at the 31st International Conference On the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA). Orlando, FL. March 2011.
- “We’re Talking Texas: Especially Jesse, Tulip, and The Duke (the effect of John Ford’s mythological ‘Texas’ on the _Preacher_ comics of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon).” Presented at the 29th International Conference On the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA). Orlando, FL. March 2009.
- “Fear The Goon.” Presented at the 27th International Conference On the Fantastic in the Arts (ICFA). Dania Beach, FL. March 2006.
- “Sound Salvation (or, Radio: It’s not just for broadcast majors any more).” Presented at Alabama Scholastic Press Association’s 2003 State Convention. Tuscaloosa, AL. March 2003.
- “Sellouts, Finks and Heretics.” Presented at Alabama Scholastic Press Association’s 2002 State Convention. Tuscaloosa, AL. February 2002.
- “Sutter Cane, Great Old Ones, and the World-Altering Text (There’s A Party In the Mouth of Madness, and Everyone’s Invited).” Presented at the 22nd ICFA. Dania Beach, FL. March 2001.
- “Suturing Blade Runner (‘Unless You’re Alive, You Can’t Play’).” Presented at the 21st ICFA. Dania Beach, FL. March 2000.
- “Rethinking Ourselves: Student and Teacher Identities in Online Learning (Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the MOO).” Presented at the 20th ICFA. Dania Beach, FL. March 1999.”Mr. Pete Can MUD/MOO; So Can You.” Demonstration. Presented at the First Learning Online Conference. Roanoke, VA. July, 1998.
- “‘You Cheating Bitch!’: Individualism and Darwinian Evolution in John Carpenter’s The Thing.” Presented at the 19th ICFA. Dania Beach, FL. March, 1998.
- “Two Moons Rising: The Reading and the Writing Subject in Samuel R. Delany’s Dhalgren.” Presented at the 18th ICFA. Dania Beach, FL. March, 1997.
- “‘It Is Soon Told’: An Insightful Companion in Tain Bo Cualinge.” Presented at the 10th Medieval-Renaissance Conference. Wise, VA. September, 1996.
- “Not In Sympathy: One Woman’s Struggle in ‘Islands in the Air.’ Presented at the 2nd Conference on Gender and Culture. Radford, VA. April 1996.
- “When the Men Were Men and the Women Were ‘Girls’: Gender and Technocracy in Air Wonder Stories.” Presented at the 17th ICFA, March 1996.