Christy Hallberg

Christy Hallberg is a native of Greenville. She worked at a local CPA firm and taught English and Journalism at Roanoke High School in Martin County before joining the ECU English Department faculty in 2000. In addition to her teaching duties, she serves as Senior Associate Editor of North Carolina Literary Review and editor of Flash Friday USA for Litro Magazine. Her short fiction, creative nonfiction, book reviews, and interviews have appeared in such journals as North Carolina Literary Review, Main Street Rag, Fiction Southeast, Riggwelter, Deep South Magazine, Eclectica, Litro Magazine, STORGY Magazine, Entropy, and Concho River Review. Her creative nonfiction essay “The Ballad of Evermore” was a finalist for the Sequestrum 2020 Editor’s Reprint Award. Her flash story “Aperture” was chosen Story of the Month by Fiction Southeast for October 2020.
She is the author of the novel Searching For Jimmy Page, forthcoming fall 2021 from Livingston Press.
- B.S. East Carolina University
- M.A. East Carolina University
- M.F.A. Goddard College
Research Interests
- Pop Culture in Literature
- Post-WWII British and American Fiction
- Creative Writing
- Distance Education Teaching
Courses Taught
- ENGL 4300: Post WW-II British and American Fiction
- ENGL 3880: Writing for Business & Industry
- ENGL 3850: Intro to Fiction Writing
- ENGL 3420: The Short Story
- ENGL 2000: Interpreting Literature
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
- ENGL 1000: Appreciating Literature
Selected Publications and Presentations
- “Aperture.” Fiction Southeast (Oct 2020).
- Charlotte Readers Podcast Read In, Episode 12, 14 April 2020: Christy Alexander Hallbergreading her creative nonfiction essay “The Ballad of Evermore”; Donna Love Wallace, reading her poems, “Horrible People” and “Quarantine Morning”; Meagan Lucas, reading her piece, “Good Heart.”
- Charlotte Readers Podcast, 18 June 2019 Episode: with Christy Alexander Hallberg and Miriam Herin. Hallberg reads her creative nonfiction essay on Prince, “Electric Word Life,” and her short story “Fistful of Mercy.”
- “Grace, With the Red Shoes.” Fiction Southeast (Jan 2017).
- “Night Music.” Eclectica (Oct/Nov 2019).
- “You Shook Me.” Litro Magazine (2019).
- “When the Music’s Over: A Review of Destroy All Monsters by Jeff Jackson.” North Carolina Literary Review Online (2020). pp. 120-122