Erin Clark

Erin A. Clark is a technical communication, rhetoric, and composition specialist. Dr. Frost has an employment history as an investigative journalist, and she uses that experience to inform her teaching of undergraduate and graduate courses in professional and technical communication and rhetoric. Her scholarly interests center on issues of gender and feminism in technical communication, most often as they manifest in rhetorics of health and medicine, environmental rhetorics, and risk communication. Her dissertation, “Theorizing an Apparent Feminism in Technical Communication,” won the 2015 Conference on College Composition and Communication Outstanding Dissertation Award in Technical Communication, and her work has appeared in Computers and Composition, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, Technical Communication Quarterly, Programmatic Perspectives, and Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition.
- Ph.D. English Studies, Illinois State University
- M.A. Professional Writing and Rhetorics, Illinois State University
- B.A. Composition, Truman State University
- B.A. Journalism, Truman State University
Research Interests
- Feminisms and Gender Studies
- Rhetorics of Health and Medicine
- Risk Communication
- Teaching with Technology
Courses Taught
- ENGL 8780: Seminar in Technical and Professional Communication: Technology, Communication, and Embodiment
- ENGL 7790: Public Interest Writing
- ENGL 7780: Theory of Professional Communication
- ENGL 7765: Risk Communication
- ENGL 7765: Rhetorics of Health and Medicine
- ENGL 7750: Writing Public Science
- ENGL 7600: Research Methods in Rhetoric, Writing, and Professional Communication
- ENGL 6702: Research Methods in Technical and Professional Communication
- ENGL 4999: Professional Seminar
- ENGL 4885: Digital Writing
- ENGL 3885: Writing and Document Design
- ENGL 3880: Writing for Business and Industry
- ENGL 3820: Scientific Writing
- HNRS 2011: Public Relations and Leadership: Writing Science for/with the Public
- ENGL 1500: Gender in Gamer Culture
Selected Publications and Presentations
- Frost, E. A. & M. F. Eble (Eds.). (2020). Interrogating Gendered Pathologies. Utah State University Press.
- Novotny, Maria, De Hertogh, Lori Beth, & Frost, E. A.. (2020). Rhetorics of Reproductive Justice in Public and Civic Contexts. [Special issue]. Reflections: A Journal of Community-Engaged Writing and Rhetoric, 20(2).
- Frost, E. A., Gonzales, L., Moeller, M., Patterson, GPat, & Shelton, C. (Forthcoming 2021). Unruly Bodies, Intersectionality, and Marginalization in Health and Medical Discourse [Special issue]. Technical Communication Quarterly, 30(2).
- Meloncon, L., & Frost, E. A. (Eds.). (2015). The Rhetoric of Health and Medicine [Special issue]. Communication Design Quarterly, 3(4).
- Frost, E. A. (2021). “Ultrasound, Gender, and Consent: An Apparent Feminist Analysis of Medical Imaging Rhetorics.” Technical Communication Quarterly 30(1): 48-62.
- Frost, E. A. (2016). “Apparent feminism as a methodology for technical communication and rhetoric.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 30(1): 3-28.
- Moeller, M. E. & Frost, E. A. (2016). “Food fights: Cookbook rhetorics, monolithic constructions of womanhood, and field narratives in technical communication.” Technical Communication Quarterly, 25(1), 1-11. **Selected for Best of Rhetoric and Composition Journals 2017 **