Gabrielle Freeman
Gabrielle Brant Freeman’s poetry has been published in many journals, most recently in Barrelhouse, Grist, Hobart, One, Rappahannock Review, storySouth, and Waxwing. She was nominated twice for the Best of the Net, and she was a 2014 finalist. Gabrielle won the 2015 Randall Jarrell Poetry Competition. Press 53 published her first book, When She Was Bad, in 2016. Gabrielle earned her MFA through Converse College. She has taught high school, community college, and university English since 1993. While poetry, writing, and American Literature are her specialties, she enjoys reading, researching, and teaching in many areas.
- B.A. University of San Diego
- M.A. East Carolina University
- M.F.A. Converse College
Research Interests
- American Literature
- Creative writing: poetry
- Identity Theory
- Multicultural Literature
- Writing
Courses Taught
- ENGL 2200: Major American Writers
- ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing