Grace Horne

Grace Horne is an East Carolinian by birth and heritage. She joined the English Department in August 2004 after several years of teaching in the Department of Communication and Broadcasting at ECU. After working for many years in higher education, in both academic and administrative positions, Grace is happy to be among colleagues who helped her discover her first love. Grace volunteers with several community non-profits. When not busy running the family taxi, Grace is happiest with her family, friends, great books and music, and time and opportunity to enjoy them all.
- B.A. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- M.A. East Carolina University
Research Interests
- The English Novel
- Jane Austen
- Southern Fiction and the Role of Place
- Literary Theory
- Intersections of food and culture
Courses Taught
- ENGL 3880: Writing for Business Ind
- ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines
- ENGL 2000: Interpreting Literature
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
- ENGL 1000: Appreciating Literature