Michelle Eble

Bate 2112


Michelle F. Eble currently serves as the coordinator of the PhD Program in Rhetoric, Writing, and Professional Communication. Her research and teaching attend to the intersection of rhetorical theories, writing practices, and emerging technologies in the following contexts: 1) technical and professional communication theory and practice, especially as it relates to social justice, community engagement, and emerging technologies; 2) mentoring networks and professional development infrastructures in higher education; and 3) research ethics and methods in institutional cultures. In 2024-2025, she is facilitating several university-wide discussions on the influence of generative AI technologies on teaching, learning, and research and how we can use these technologies ethically, equitably, and responsibly. She most recently served as ECU Graduate School Faculty Fellow from 2022-2024. In addition to serving as PhD Coordinator, she supervises the graduate teaching instructors teaching undergraduate professional writing courses, serves as the Chair of ECU’s Behavioral and Social Sciences Institutional Review Board, and as a Past President of the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW).


  • B.A. University of Southwestern Louisiana
  • M.Ed. Georgia State University
  • Ph.D. Georgia State University

Research Interests

  • Social Justice Technical Communication Theory & Practice
  • Research Ethics & Methods
  • Emerging Technologies & Digital Writing
  • Mentoring Networks
  • Institutional Rhetorics & Cultures
  • Graduate Education & Professional Development

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 8780: Seminar in Professional Communication: Scientific Communication and Discipling Bodies
  • ENGL 8601: Advanced Research Methods
  • ENGL 8300: Professional Development Seminar
  • ENGL 8100: Seminar in Professional Development
  • ENGL 7785: History of Professional Communication
  • 7780: Theory of Professional Communication
  • ENGL 7766: Special Studies: Communication & Emerging Technologies
  • ENGL 7765: Special Topics: Writing in/for the Health Professions
  • ENGL 7750: Writing Public Science
  • ENGL 7745: Teaching Professional Communication
  • ENGL 7712: Grant & Proposal Writing
  • ENGL 7705: Ethical Issues in Professional Communication
  • ENGL 7600: Research Methods in Rhetoric, Writing, and Professional Communication
  • ENGL 6715: Technical Writing
  • ENGL 5780: Advanced Writing for Business & Industry
  • ENGL 4900: Professional Practices in Professional Writing and Information Design
  • ENGL 4885: Digital Writing
  • ENGL 3895: Topics in Technical and Professional Writing
  • ENGL 3885: Writing and Document Design
  • ENGL 3880: Writing for Business & Industry
  • ENGL 3870: Introduction to Editing & Abstracting
  • ENGL 3820: Scientific Writing
  • ENGL 3040: Introduction to Professional Writing
  • ENGL 2201: Writing about the Disciplines

Selected Publications and Presentations

  • “Participatory Coalition Building: Creating an Anti-Racist Scholarly Reviewing Practices Heuristic. In Proceedings of the 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC ’21). 281–288.
  • “Transdisciplinary Mentoring Networks to Develop and Sustain Inclusion in Graduate Programs.” Special Issue: Transdisciplinary Connections in Composition Studies and Technical and Professional Communication (TPC). College English 82.5, 2020: 527-535.
  • Interrogating Gendered Pathologies. Edited by Erin A. Frost and Michelle F. Eble. Utah State UP, 2020.
  • Key Theoretical Frameworks for Teaching Technical Communication in the 21st Century. Edited by Angela M. Haas and Michelle F. Eble. Utah State UP, 2018.
  • Reclaiming Accountability: Improving Writing Programs through Accreditation and Large-Scale Assessments. Edited by Wendy Sharer, Tracy Ann Morse, Michelle F. Eble, and William Banks. Utah State UP, 2016.


  • ATTW Faculty Fellow, 2023
  • 2020 Technical and Scientific Communication Award in the category of Best Original Collection of Essays in Technical or Scientific Communication from the Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) for Key Theoretical Frameworks for Teaching Technical Communication in the 21st Century.
  • 2020 Research and Creative Activity Award, Department of English, East Carolina University
  • 2020 Scholar-Teacher Award, East Carolina University
  • 2015 Distinguished Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Graduate School, East Carolina University


Curriculum Vitae