Hannah Mayfield Kohr

Hannah Mayfield Kohr is a compositionist with a specialty in writing studies, new media, and young adult literature. She is also interested in composition theory and practice, writing center theory, and fandom studies. Her current research interests include: affect and emotion in writing, embodiment, and digital fandom.
Dr. Kohr has served as Visiting Writing Center Director at Gardner-Webb University in 2023, as Graduate Assistant Director of First-Year Writing at NC State University in 2020, and as an Online Reading and Writing Skills Teacher for K12 students at the Institute of Reading Development since 2018. In addition to her writing program administration (WPA) experience and teaching, she also writes creatively, including digital stories and poetry. Her poem, “A Woman in Labor,” won The Broad River Review Editor’s Prize in Poetry in 2012.
- B.A. in English, Gardner-Webb University
- M.A. in English, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media at North Carolina State University
Research Interests
- New Media Studies
- Multimodality
- History of Composition Theory & Practice
- Writing Center Theory & Practice
- Embodied Rhetoric
- Fandom Studies
Courses Taught
- ENGL 2201: Writing in the Disciplines
- ENGL 1100: Foundations of College Writing
Selected Publications and Publications
- 2019 “The Element of Risk in Multimodality,” with Beth Greene and Malaka Friedman, UNC Charlotte’s University Writing Program Conference, Charlotte, NC.
- 2019 “From My Body To Yours: Attending to Transfer as Multisensory Practice,” Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Norfolk, VA.
- 2019 “Embodiment in Fandom: Media Fan Art as Performative Critique of Eric Kripke’s Supernatural” Gender, Bodies and Technology: TechnoLogics: Power and Resistance Conference, Roanoke, VA.
- 2019 “Affective Things: Revisiting Emotion in Rhetorical Inquiry” Carolina Rhetoric Conference, Raleigh, NC.
- 2018 “Partnering With Our Bodies: An Embodied Pedagogy” UNC Charlotte’s University Writing Program Conference, Charlotte, NC.
- 2017 “Write Me a Letter: A Dialogical Relationship Among Writers,” for RE: Composing: A Journal by Writers for Writers, eds. Julie Cook and Ashlyn Walden, Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
- 2013 The Broad River Review Editor’s Prize in Poetry